The first drill we did was a group drill. We had to run with the ball and zig-zag around the cones. When we got to the other end we had to run around the cone and then sprint down to the next person in line and we had to pass the ball to them , then we just carried on until we all had a turn. The people who got 3 points won , the losing teams had to drop down and do 5 push ups. I was one of the losers.
The next drill we did was quite similar, instead we had to spread out on the cones and the person in front of the line had to zig-zag around us , when he or she got to the last person they had to sprint to the end and get a try , but the first person to get the ball on the try line won. Again the losers had to do another 5 push ups.
After we finished our drills we finished off with a game. Two groups joined together and we challenged the other two groups. The aim of the game that we were playing was that we had to kick the rugby ball over our shoulder height to the opposition. If the other team kicked the rugby ball in front of the opposition side and it hits the ground then that person that it landed in front of will be out. The carried on until one team had no players left.
Overall I really enjoyed having that session with Sio Siua. I learnt new things. Also we were really lucky because he gave up his free time to come and be with us.
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